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Alex Jones Savior Generation Christmas Debate
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139.13 MB

alex jones savior generation christmas occult satanic pagan new world order
+2 / -1 (+1)

Jan 31, 2009

Alex Jones vs. Savior Generation 
in a "debate" over Christmas.

Not really much of a debate, 
I simply state facts and Alex confirms what I say is true.

Watch the video and open your eyes.

direct download @


I keep attempting to post more comments but it is giving me a "database error", so here is another response:

@ verdent -- i do not listen to alex religiously as most do, yet i have heard him on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS attempt to ridicule someone on-air for "being stoned" or "sounding high".  now, if i kept an archive of these i would be able to easily point you to one, however i do not.  
THANKFULLY, someone on youtube also heard him do it at least once -

youtube (dot) com / watch?v=O9AEw3By3IA

now, obviously that clip has been edited to make it seem like alex was talking to willie nelson when he did it BUT he did actually make those statements to a caller (not willie) he "accused" of using cannabis.  and that is just ONE example, i am 100% positive i have heard it multiple times.  i have no beef with jones and me mentioning that was IN NO WAY a "subversive means to try to discredit him".  i know i heard him say it, so i said it.  listen to the clip, there's the proof you requested, verifying he's done it at least once (but i'm guaranteeing more).

secondly, "the true kicker here is that christmas exists solely because of christianity"

WOW you really weren't paying attention, huh?  EVERY ASPECT of "CHRISTMAS" has NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY AT ALL!  that was the entire point and somehow you missed it... to me, that's way more creepy than the video itself.

had you used your comprehension skills, you probably would have deducted that CHRISTMAS and CHRISTIANITY have NO RELATION aside from their name sharing a common prefix.
the rituals/traditions/customs exist solely because the elite need a way to incorporate PAGAN/OCCULT/SATANIC RITUALS INTO OUR EVERYDAY LIVES BECAUSE (THEY BELIEVE) IT GIVES THEM GREAT POWER!  (if you don't already know about hidden occult symbolism in plain sight PLEASE research the works of William Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, and )  

THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) control religion/government/finance which is why their massive ritual ("Christmas") incorporates and relies on all those institutions to propel it.

but just to be clear - old homo dudes doing sex/sacrifice rituals in the woods to a big wood/stone idol at bohemian grove... yeah you all believe that, right?  

but when another occult ritual is exposed you quickly defend it: "my precious CHRISTMAS is a ritual too?  oh no it couldn't be!  the elite would never do that!  our religions would not lie to us!  these are just great fun family traditions and are totally harmless and wholesome!  and big baby Jesus was born on Dec 25 because the federal government's national holiday (HOLY day) says so!"  

HAHAHAHAHA.  you see friend, the true kicker is how so many of you so-called "truth seekers" think you know so friggin much, but can't see the truth of something SO BLATANTLY OBVIOUS.

P.S. - yes, easter is also a massive occult/pagan/satanic ritual.  the symbolism is even more obvious than christmas.  anyone who attempts to deny that is embarrassingly ignorant, and should probably read a book or do a google search once in a while...


Thank's this seems great. I'm from sweden and have special interest in the mythological/hethen origin of christmas!

This is just another version of sunworhip/jesus intrpretations of art and scripture. This is the bottom line: If you are dancing around the christmas tree burning strange sages and mumbling babylonian sorcery while listening to the shrieks of your sacrafied second-born - then the christmas tree is somewhat evil by association. If, however, The christmas tree is something you like because it's your family tradition (very secular here in sweden) and you think it's cozy - then it is not, what so ever, evil in my opinion. Think about it my friend; if your church is full to the brim with non-believers, people of no faith - are they christian by association with the physical church? Or are they non-believers hanging around in a building which has christian connotations for those who believe? If you are to be wise, you should not try do defend your pride now, but admit that this is just reverse idol worship, to ascribe such power to the tree (as the example), when the text from the scripture provided in the film states that one should not worry about even such fools that to these objects ascripe powers.

God Bless
Alex Jones agrees mostly with the caller.
But he is not really pleased with the call.
The caller and maker of this film is really nitpicking. Really smallminded.
I get it that celebrating christmass is not doing God's will. And I hope Santa Claus and the tree disapear.

Really stupid film.

I frequently check out attacks on Alex Jones, but they always amount to nothing, and they always have this smallminded hatefilled ring to it.
hey jay, serious question man - how is that you're right on top of how your governement is conspiring against you, yet when it comes to one of the biggest frauds perpetrated against mankind (christianity) it still seems to totally elude you? most normal people seem to knock that one out first and then move on to taking on government conspiracies...

also, as far as christmas (and your creepy video) goes, guess what - you're not suprising anyone with what you're trying to put forth, yes santa's not real and here's another one for ya - neither is the easter bunny, but do you see anyone rallying against that, or is that the next video you're wasting time on? in all reality, the true kicker here is that christmas exists solely because of christianity, not commercialism, so you're real problem here seems to be embedded in your source of faith. most importantly, i think if you can get past this scripture garbage the puzzle pieces will start falling into place a little easier for you. one last thing, i also think you're wrong about alex jones, to quote you just once -

"at least once a month i hear your hero (a demigod to some) alex jones rant about how "bad" or "wrong" it is to consume cannabis, or rail on a caller who he suspects is "stoned" (maybe the caller is just an idiot, why blame a plant for someone's lack of intelligence?)

but on the contrary, smoking cigarettes and slurping alcohol (both of which are scientifically proven to KILL YOU) is totally fine with alex!"

- now i've been listening to alex's show for quite some time now, and i've never heard him bad mouth somebody for being stoned or even use it as a way out of a losing argument which is something you can see an idiot local radio host pull, and by your statement it strikes me as yet another subersive means to try to discredit him by drawing this same parallel. if you've got proof otherwise then show me, give me a show date and the closest approximation as to when in the show it occurs and i'll check it out but as far as it goes now your statements seem disingenuous, especially considering his friendship with Joe Rogan and other conversations Alex has had with him and other people about the marijuana subject. all that said, your arguments about the usefulness and legality of marijuana are on point but where you go from there is back to that same old drawing board of christian diatribe...wise up kid, you're almost there...
@ Flumgodisgud -- that logic (not-guilty by reason of ignorant association) is completely flawed.
if you stand around and watch while your buddy performs a rape/murder ritual on a sacrificial lamb, but you aren't necessarily taking part in what you are considering a "ritual" you just supplied the rope to bound her and happen to be in the same room smiling, well guess what YOU ARE STILL PART OF IT! you too will be charged with MURDER and go to PRISON, whether you held the murder weapon or not. you are an ACCOMPLICE.

the same goes for all the idiots WORSHIPING at bohemian grove, the skull & bones tomb, or TAKING PART IN ANCIENT SATANIC RITUALS RE-PACKAGED AND RE-MARKETED UNDER THE NAME "CHRISTMAS".
sure, maybe you think the cremation of care is stupid and has no meaning, BUT, as alex always stresses, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU BELIEVE IT, THE ONES AT THE TOP DO!!!!

if you can prove to me that the origin of ALL THESE RITUALS (aka "traditions") are not based in OCCULT/PAGAN/SATANIC CUSTOMS, then please provide this crucial information.

it makes no difference what you and your ignorant family consider these rituals to be... you can call a dog a cat, but it doesn't make it true, it just makes you stupid.

because i am presenting FACTS means i am making an "attack on alex jones" hahaha WOW!

the Obama idiots make the same lame claim when i disagree with his police state policies, or his position on the illegal invasion of iraq...

"why are you attacking Obama? why do you hate him? why are you nitpicking? are you so small-minded you hate him because he is black?"

what a joke. instead of DEBATING THE ISSUE AT HAND, these jokers always try to spin it to being "against" the person... instead of addressing the policies/ideologies that i am questioning.

well done, pelgrim!